Sunday, October 3, 2010


Well, today has been one of the best days I've had in a very long time. Woke up, did a few things and then I had a dream I had the previous evening hit me, and as a result, I have a new novel to start once I've finished 'Force of Hell'. This one deals with an investigation into a serial killer and has the current title of 'Running Water'. I've very excited about this project and looking forward to working on it with more dedication once I've finished 'Force of Hell'. Topping it off was an amazing evening with friends. A day to be thankful for indeed!

On the 'Force of Hell' front, things have been slow, although I'm happy with progress. It slowed due to the introduction of a fringe character that actually became critical in the development of the plot, meaning I had to flesh it out some. But, progress is going well and hoping to have a finished product by the end of the year!


  1. Great! Glad you're having fun with it. :)

  2. I'm sorry, but did I read correctly in that you had a dream about a serial killer? Were you the serial killer? Creepy! :P

  3. Well, it wasn't ACTUALLY about a serial killer, and no, I wasn't the serial killer ;)

    But that's where the idea ended up going!
