Monday, October 4, 2010

Teaser #3

The writing of 'Force of Hell' continues! And with that, I bring you the latest teaser. Hope you enjoy it!

Alex slipped back inside, sliding the door shut while he surveyed the room before him, a stark contrast to the cold world from which he’d just returned. The music throbbed and flashes of white and coloured light lanced through the artificial smoke clouding the air to splash spasmodically across the normally mundane walls. Bodies, male and female, pounded to the rhythm in different ways, but all following the same beat, their costumes a strange juxtaposition of eternity and its minions. A unification of that which was never meant to be unified in Christian mythology; a corruption of the intended supernatural order. Alex smiled at the thought. All the while, the devilish cackling rose and fell with the music. A chilling, although appropriate, atmosphere for this twisted mixture of demons and angels.

In that moment, he was hit by a thought. What am I doing here? He was in the middle of a world in which he did not belong, seeing past what was meant to be simple fun and identifying the religious walls it sneered at and tore down. It was just a party, and he was analysing to death. This was Grant’s world, not his. He spied his friend across a sea of haloes and horns, laughing with Heather and Georgia while tipping the neck of a beer back, taking a long pull. Yes. This was his world. It was high time he returned to his own.

Alex bowed his head and slid the door back open behind him, stepping out into the frigid air once again. Back to quietness and stillness. Back to his world, uncomplicated by alcohol, girls and dancing and instead plagued by the constant analysis of everything.

Meanwhile the development for 'Running Water' is also going well. The basic plot structure is sorted as well as what genre it will fit into: Crime Thriller. Here's to happy writing!


  1. but, but dancing is fun :( not complicated at all I promise!

  2. I know that, and you know that, as for Alex... well he begs to differ ;)
