Monday, June 21, 2010

Weighing In!

Well... it's been a little while since the last update, so I think you all deserve another! And this one is rather a good one :)

I have finally, after five or six years, got a writing system in place. There are three key things required for me to write nowadays. These three things being: Main Body (the actual piece of writing being worked on), Character List (a list of all the characters that appear - yes, i mean absolutely all of them - that includes details down to skin tone, eye colour, habits, mannerisms, pet peeves and weaknesses) and a fully detailed Plot Outline (which goes into similar detail to the Character Overviews). What makes this system even better is that I can (or soon will be able to) access it all at once, without the need to flick between computer windows. Yes, a third screen is on the way and will be a welcome addition in speeding up the production of the the 'writing studio'. It's current 'state' can be seen below.

Rather nerdy, yes I know, but then again, that IS me! But yes, the third screen will drastically improve my compartamentalisation of information and ability to process it quickly and efficiently.

Now, having come up with my system (that works, finally!) I'm making steady progress in all writing areas, which is rather heartening! Characters are being fleshed out nicely, the outlines are becoming increasingly well knit, and I feel the final product will have benefited hugely.

In the news of life, rock climbing has become a regular thing, having bought the gear not that long ago. Already feeling better for it.

I am also eagerly awaiting the next available opportunity to download the new version of Mechwarrior: Living Legends, as my original installer corrupted and I can't download it again this month due to internet usage restrictions. Meanwhile, I get to look at pretty pictures such as this.

On that nerdy note, I shall bid you all farewell and continue to be flabbergasted by the world of Xbox Live set ups and gamertags (damn it).

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