Monday, March 29, 2010

Procrastinator? Guilty!

Okay, so it's been quite a while since my last post, for a number of reasons. First off was the whole moving into a new year with things to do, places to go and people to see. The normal hussle and bussle of life. Secondly, I picked up an online multiplayer game, which has chewed up a fair bit of time. For any of you interested, it's called Mechwarrior: Living Legends and is a blast to play, take BF2, cross it with the CBT and MW universes and chuck in Crysis graphics and that pretty much sums it up. But moving along...

But onto the important, juicy, what-we're-all-hanging-out-for stuff: Writing! So, as it's been so long, I'll give a brief status report. I'm still working on the first book, and here's the info on it so far.

Chapters: 3 (not including Prologue)
Words: 17,091

So, as you can see, I have been working at it. But what that doesn't show is the almost complete solidification of the first book's main plot as well as tweaks to the story in general, all of which make it better. I also now have a genre specification for it: Mystery/Thriller with a fusion of sci-fi and fantasy, a far cry from its original plot. And, to comment on the line the first book takes, prepare for me to rock your world! I'm excited enough as it is to get to the juicy bits (did I mention I still haven't introduced the main character yet? Yeah, this is going to be an epic) which can only mean you guys will enjoy them all the more! I just need the stimulation, the motivation and a plethora of music to listen to in order to get there! So, feel free to provide any of them :)

So, this is Thomas signing off, going to slug away at the book that will rock your world, and many more!

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