Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Okay people, so here's the deal. I have finished school on a rather good note, all but guaranteeing my place in the course I want in university, but before then, I'm planning a gap year for the express purpose of writing, and am hoping to get at least five novels either partially done, or perhaps even the trilogy, but I need your help. And just how can you help? I need encouragement, reactions and perhaps, at times, advice. I feel, having a year off to write, it's the only way I'll be able to just pound along. Because, I strongly want to get it done, but encouragement just speeds up the creative juices. That and good, high energy music, so feel free to recommend!

But, for an update. I have begun work on the second book (yes, without finishing the first) in the trilogy, constructing the start of the first chapter while formulating an idea for the second prologue for the trilogy that will precede it. I find it's best to work this way, with multiple sections on the go, as if I get stuck, I hop to the next part, in a sort of circle. It can also be good for coherency and tightness in the story, as I am writing what happens in the future at the same time as that which is written further back in the story. It's encouraging for me to know I have enough confidence in the plot line to be able to do this effectively. I still need to flesh out the plot some more, and deal with some of its finer intricacies but I'm getting there, and am hoping to be charging fully through it by the New Year.

In addition to trilogy work, I have also come up with a number of other ideas in the last few months since school has wound down. I've mentioned these in brief but they have a slight bit more substance than before. It faces me with a very slight dilemma of continuing these singular works (one of which isn't actually all that singular, but that's for a future time to be discovered) or constructing the trilogy, which I want to do the most right out of all of them. Alternatively, I finish the trilogy and go back and heavily edit bits that I don't like. The trilogy is the writing I enjoy the most, although I enjoy it all, as it's my brain child, my project that I have spent the last four years on, and that was just plot and world building! But, back to the other ideas. One of them, which deals with the idea of hell from a slightly sci-fi perspective turned supernatural through a physical world, will be a novella that I want to make both tight and meaningful. I have considered doing this one first as it will be the shortest, but I think it will also be one of the hardest considering the plot and material I am working with as well. The other idea is a far more action-ey idea that is based in this world (shocking, I know) but with a supernatural fabric to it, which I'm not going to explain and leave it as a surprise! But, it will be awesome.

So... there's the latest update from my desk. The writing will probably become easier when everyone else begins to settle back into school routines after January. And remember, I'm serious about that music! Just look at my profile to discover my current taste. It's energy I'm after, it helps. Thanks, and, remember! Your encouragement DOES make a difference, whether it be via the internet or in person!

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